May 20, 2004 saw:
Ok, my not-really-the-right-date thing is starting to bug me a bit, because things are getting even more screwy...I have a bunch of videos, too, and evidently, for whatever reason, the videos are saved as a different date than their still companions. I have videos from the stuff in shanghai that think they took place in june, but we left shanghai in may. Gah. I think I'll just stick those in with whatever day I end up sticking the still companions in. (which, FYI, means I'll be adding at least one video to past posts.) Yeah, yeah, I know it's kinda pointless to worry about, but it's bugging me so I figured it'd be worth mentioning. Anyway:
This is the day we went to the big market, I don't have any pics from it, but we'd just come from there, and were all a bit exhausted from the haggling and such, and were carrying lots of goodies.
Phil's pics labeled as the 20th:
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