June 24, 2004 saw:
our usual commute to and from the theater school:

And we attended some performances that were presented as part of an international theater festival. Most of them were awesome...there was the one with the guys who tied themselves together with string and then used cello bows to make and instrument out of it, (about conjoined brothers...stunningly beautiful.) And it may not have been this day, but there was one about prison and escape, and they beautifully mixed vulnerability with toughness, nudity used very effectively, and an awesome sequence where they actually tunneled under the mylar on the stage floor. Awesome stuff. And then...there was this woman:

beautiful sky out the windows in Jacob's room (I think it was? damned label loss, I used to have the specifics of each one recorded...sigh...I'll never stop complaining about that.)

That night a bunch of us were hanging out in Jacob's room, and he had his ipod on, which prompted an imaginary music video shoot, Nicole here using her invisible camera to film jacob's rockin' antics.

Laryssa, Nicole L, and Nicole S hanging out in Jacob's room.

Jacob and Laryssa

Tracy and Nicole L
And, as a special treat, here is what happened once Nicole S discovered that I could take video on my still cam:
And I will leave you with this gem: a clip of Nicole and Jacob making up a musical on the spot, just for fun:
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