I'd like to apologize (especially to Francis) on behalf of the both of us for not updating in oh so long. Kate has had her Year 2 Dear Cadence letter in a practically finished state for several weeks, and I'm planning to share some pictures and stories from our vacation to Oregon.
Kate's been gone practically from dawn to dusk working on an independent film she was cast in, since we got back, and I've been trying to find ourselves a place to live with the generous help of friends and family. The good news is we're zeroing in on some places, and maybe will have a lease to sign later this week. If not, things are going to get scary, since we need to get going in a couple of weeks... quite literally. Which is why we've started packing, already. Half our stuff never got unpacked, so it's making the process a lot easier, but the process is still fairly daunting.
We're keeping our spirits up, and doing our best to explain to Cadence what's going on, and keep her happy when Mama is gone for so long at a time. In any case, we'll try to get ourselves caught up, and we look forward to seeing anyone in New York soon!
hang in there!