Monday, April 19, 2010

Just FYI

I figured I should check in with everyone and let you all know what's going on around here, since I know you're all anxiously awaiting news on Baby Yu.

Apologies to Eric & Julie for constantly taking advantage of the fabulous light in their apartment for picture taking. This one's not the best shot, but it certainly shows off the belly well!! 39 weeks.

Relax, no baby just yet.

With the official due date still a full week away, we are certainly excited for the big event, but are holding out hope that Baby will decide to make his or her big debut a week from tomorrow or Wednesday...simply because then James will be done with his classes, and my mom will be here to help out, too, which would mean a much less stressful transition for everyone. But, we know that it's ultimately the Babe's decision, and we will be extremely happy to greet him/her whenever s/he decides to arrive. And all that said, it's getting really hard to be patient! We can't wait to see that precious little face.

So far, Baby has been extremely understanding. Despite being ready to go for quite some time (head down, full term, actually dropped into position a couple weeks ago) and the reputation for second children arriving earlier than their older siblings did, this kid has been willing to wait a bit...I went into labor with Cadence sometime during the night between the last two days of my 38th week, and she made her actual appearance in the mid afternoon at 39 weeks exactly. Unless I suddenly give birth within the next two and a half hours (which I highly doubt, but watch, because I said that...) we've already surpassed that length of time, so who knows, maybe we'll actually make it the full 40 weeks!

I've been kind of avoiding anything that could potentially set off labor for the past week or so, but I think once mom gets here on Saturday it'll be harder not to give in to the temptation to get things guess is that by Sunday I'll give up avoiding potential triggers, and come Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday am I'll be reversing course entirely and doing all I can to Bring on the Babe!

We will, of course, keep you all posted. Check back frequently, as we'll be using TigerBug as the main source of updates as we come up to, and then immediately following, the birth...No offense intended, it's just much easier to share the exciting news in a single blog post and then get back to bonding with our new baby than it would be to juggle baby and 65 thousand phone calls and twitter updates and facebook posts and texts get the picture.

And of course, I promise we'll post a picture, as soon as we have one, and have the mindset to remember that there is a world beyond our excited little bubble.

Goodnight everyone!

I'll leave you all with the best self-timered point-and shoot picture ever:


  1. Ahhh! I love the pictures! You are the cutest pregnant lady ever! And Cadence looks so grown up! I can't wait to hear how things go this week!

  2. yay baby! You look awesome! Can't wait to hear!

  3. yay! what can trigger labor?? Never heard of it! How cool! muah*
