Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trout Fishing in America Concert!

...also a little addendum to my last post: The next morning we got up and headed down to madison square park to attend a Trout Fishing in America concert!

TFIA is a duo (Keith Grimwood and Ezra Idlet) out of Texas, who does music for adults and kids alike, though I think they've been more focused on kids music these days. They are good friends with a very close friend of my family's, so our paths have crossed often over the years. Since I grew up listening to their music, it was very exciting to be able to share this with my own girls!

Cadence loved it, but bless her little heart she didn't understand why everyone was talking and smiling and singing along, and got very angry with me when I tried to get her to get up and only occured to me afterwards that we've trained her to be a good audience member and when she heard the word 'concert' she must have immediately thought of the many classical music concerts she has attended to see her Baba and uncle Andrew perform.

Afterwards, though, we got a copy of their latest CD and Keith and Ezra both signed it (and Ezra drew a teddy bear for Cadie!), I sent Hellos from my family, and Keith even told us that he once spent a whole birthday chasing birds, too, just as Cadence had done the day before - and he caught one!!

Afterwards we went to splash around in the water feature in the playground, hence the bathing suits...all in all, it was a pretty great excursion.

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