Sunday, December 25, 2016

Mama's Christmas Gift

Calliope had a really REALLY hard time falling asleep tonight, and it didn't seem to be just the usual Christmas Eve jitters; the poor kid was sobbing for a LONG time. We tried, mama cuddles, sister cuddles, baba cuddles, my dad even brought his guitar in to play to her, we tried stories, you name it...nothing was working. She was inconsolable and part of the problem was that she was feeling guilty for being inconsolable...she kept saying it was just so hard to calm down even though she didn't have a reason to be upset anymore, which made her cry harder. We talked about it for a bit, but then!! Oh, then came this amazing exchange that was such a huge gift to this mama's heart; I can't believe this is a real thing that just happened. Today we saw (fiasco's AMAZING production of ) into the woods; and Sondheim is right:  Children will listen.

Mama, sometimes the bad feelings just push into you even when you are already trying to calm down and you dont know why

Well the important thing is that you are able to recognize that, so you can start to understand that the bad feelings aren't you, and let them go.

Calliope, breathe out whatever is bothering you with each breath.

And think about the good things that make you happy every time you breathe in.

Yeah, with every breath take in the happy thoughts as you breathe in and as you breathe out let go of all the bad thoughts that are making you grumpy and sad.

 Calliope, think about all the good things you want to do with your life, and focus on that.

 Or you can just swallow the bad stuff.

Oh but no, if you swallow it it will just go inside you.

 And you don't want it trapped inside you, then you'll never feel better.

Just breathe.

Like this.

All three start breathing calmly and deeply. The cats come and sit on them. All theee are sound asleep in under 10 minutes.

Unbelievable. They blow my mind...I adore my amazing, compassionate, thoughtful children, and I'm so glad they are actually gathering the tools they will need to make the best of this crazy life.

Happy Holidays, all.
With so. Much. Love.

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