Wednesday, August 24, 2016

22x22 for 22: day 5/4

For an explanation of what we are doing, click HERE

Tonight we managed to get all the way to bedtime before remembering to do our push-ups! So the videos are kinda silly fun today.
First up was Cadence, although our kitty Carmen was pretty set on enforcing the bedtime curfew, so Cadence worked around her!

And then James and Hazel were up, with kitty Carmen acting as coach and providing nudges at the bottom of each rep!

As you can see, calliope required some setup time, so when she was all set, we captured this little gem:

And last but absolutely not least ( in number), I was up.  I did a good solid set that i was pretty satisfied with and climbed into bed...but then the kids informed me that it hadn't been recorded and therefore didn't count. So here is my second set of bedtime push-ups:

(Oh yeah, and did I mention I had a three year old, distracted videographer? Silly kiddo.)

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